Scented candles

       January 1, 0000    1575


Candles are a growing cause of fire. Every year people are killed and injured because they were careless with candles. It is better to learn how to be careful with candles. Scented candles mark special occasions and create a special atmosphere. They also bring fire into home. So treat them carefully. Candles need to be held firmly upright by the holder so they will not fall over. The holder needs to be stable too. Position them away from curtains in the kid’s bathroom. Do not put candles near curtains or other fabrics or furniture. Do not put them under shelves, as kids may not notice them. Keep kids clothes and hair away. Keep children and pets away. Candles should be out of reach of children and pets in their bathroom.
Take care with scented candles:
These kinds of candles turn to liquid to release their fragrance. It is better to put them in a glass or metal holder. Turn off candles before leaving the kids bathroom. Never go to sleep with a scented candle still burning. And never leave a burning candle or oil burner in a child's bedroom. Scented candles infuse light, warmth and scent into kid’s bathroom. Scented candles have a way of boosting the kid’s spirits and helping to waste the troubles of the day. Choose from a wide variety of unique fragrances or try fragrance combinations that blend together to gently embrace the senses. Create an ambience in kid’s bathroom. As scented candles instantly freshen the air in the kids bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom.
Scented candles for festive mood:
Glam up the bathroom for kid with scented candle. Add scented candles, flowers to make kid’s bathroom just as festive as any other. Clean the bathroom thoroughly and make sure that any personal care items like shampoo, soap, toothbrush and hairspray are put away. Remove the shower curtain and fill the bathtub half-full with water. Place aromatherapy floating candles in the tub so that the kids bathroom is full of fragrance. Place scented votive and pillar candles on the tub's ledge and be careful about kid’s safety. Clean the bathroom's countertops if necessary and replace toilet tissue as needed for keeping the bath area clean.

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