Top 15 React Libraries To Use In 2021

  Solace  Infotech    July 20, 2021    559


We all know that React is a javascript library that can be used to create a prime UI for mobile and web apps. It seamlessly integrates with javascript frameworks and libraries. Because of the high modularity that it offers, React component libraries optimize UI development and provide extreme flexibility. React libraries helps developers to create functional and impressive apps, rapid development with less code than other libraries. Using the best libraries will help you to develop the best app. So here we’ve curated the top 15 react libraries to use in 2021. Let’s see which are those.

Also know the amazing new features of react 18 at- What’s New In React 18?

Top 15 React Libraries In 2021-

1. React Hook Form-

It is a simple hook-based library that allows simple data  validation. It is faster than other libraries. React Hook form’s use of hooks makes it feel incredibly natural. It makes use of refs(i.e. Uncontrolled inputs) to get the values form fields, this make it standard javascript. Created with Typescript, it helps to create a form data type, to support form values. With this library, your form becomes error-free, decreasing the rendering time to eternal extent. Also, you can integrate and use it with the state management libraries of React.

2. React Intl –

It functions with FormaJS as its main base and focuses on Internalization of code formatting on the client and server end. React Intl library provides necessary data binding resources through simple components and APIs. In simple words, this library supports data formatting for dates, strings, numbers, translations and pluralization of 150+ languages. Also React Intl is best suitable for content management system as it can overwrite and modify default messages.

3. ES-Lint-

It is a pluggable and configurable open-source and javascript linter tool. This library in the React Ecosystem calls attention creases in JS code that don’t adhere to the standard rules. This makes the code bug free and consistent. It improves the code-quality by evaluating patterns in code and eliminating the errors by auto-fixing the code.

4. Prettier-

This code formatter works with many languages, has some options and integrates with other editors too. It scans files for style issues and auto= reformats code to ensure consistency in rules for indentation, spacing, quotes and so on. It is known as an opinionated code formatter with support for- Angular, Vue, Flow, Typescript, HTML, JSON, CSSS, SCSS, YAML etc.

5. React Spinner-

It is the most trusted library to create a loading state according to the requirements of the project. Grow spinner and Border spinner are the two different types of spinners. Each loading spinner can be configured with different animation and color properties by writing custom CSS classes. These spinners can be used with button elements with improved accessibility. 

6. React Motion-

It uses spring configuration to define the animation and so it avoids your concerns about controlled duration and complexities. React Motion library eases the development flow within React components using damping, stiffness and precision methods. React-Spring API fills the void between imperative and declarative approach. Also, one can expect security too.

7. Animated (React Native)-

It is a common animation library used to build mobile apps with React native. Rather than being an adaptive and flexible library, it has an ability to better time-control and sequence managing.

8. React Router-

It is a group of navigational components synchronizes the components of UI with browsers address. It eases handling navigation in SPA. Also, it offers vivid nesting support, stable screen-to-screen transitions and server-side rendering.

9. Tailwind UI-

It is a highly customizable UI library which offers utility classes rather than inbuilt components that mitigates you from overriding styles. While using Tailwind UI, you don’t need to code from scratch, it gives you the ability to reuse styles in your code. It’s configuration in Javascript gives a feel and use of potential programming language.

10. React Bootstrap-

It gives you more control to reuse and integrate UI components as compared to other UI library.  React Bootstrap is prebuilt with Bootstrap components and offers fluid interface-handling experience. With Bootstrap stylesheet, it brings back the comfortness of using compatible Bootstrap themes. Such a way, developers can code rapidly and efficiently using reusable and faster coding methods.

11. Styled Components-

These are the modern ways React allows component-level styling of applications by combining Javascript and CSS through a CSS-in-JS technique. Also, it serves the successor of CSS modules and focuses on elevating the visual styling of components. So, building a frontend UIs with React has become more flexible in customization according to the requirement.

12. Semantic UI React-

It is a jQuery React UI component library incorporated by companies like Netfix, Sublime Fund. As a declarative API, it adheres to an adaptive React Ecosystem. Regardless, having shorthand props, it decreases hasty coding exercise.

13. Fabric React –

Mostly it is known as Office UI Fabric. Now it is popular for the native implementation of Fluent UI components with React based apps. It os supported by widely used frontend language modules such as ES6+, Webpack and CSS(SASS). Fabric core is a collection of SASS components mixed with CSS classes, that in return provides access to a wide rage of colors, animations etc. 

14. Rebass-

It is a primitive UI component built with a styled system to match the React ecosyetm’s expectation. It is highly composable and follows the principle of providing unopinionated and flexible UI components. Those components are extensible, useful, consistent, and for theme creation. This library reduces the need for writing customized CSS codes.

15. Mobx-

This library simplifies state management and applying functional reactive programming (TFRP) transparently makes it scalable. The main reason of MobX is that anything which is resultant from the application state should  be determined automatically and efficiently. However Mobx is a simpler and easier option to Redux, Redux scores over Mobx. 

 Article keywords:
react, react libraries, software, development


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