Top 7 Javascript TreeGrid Libraries/Widgets In 2021

  Solace  Infotech    April 29, 2021    513


We all know that Javascript is a high-level, dynamic and untyped programming language. Basically it creates an interactive and phenomenal impact on web browsers. Web app development is easy with Javascript and HTML tables, Javascript components are becoming instinctive string between customer and end-user. HTML tables with lots of data can be controlled with the help of libraries. One of such popular and convenient approach is the Javascript tree component that makes data rich apps. It is a way to deal with data that gives various advantages to end client. And hence UI trees give an opportunity to show huge amounts of data in a compact way. It also shows the inadequacy to work with large trees. The data from such trees don’t fit in the recognizable area of interfaces. 

TreeTable component appeared as a reasonable response to the complexity of work with UI Trees. Whereas, TreeTable is a great DataGrid that allows convenient data presentation in an even structure. Also, it plays out a tree-like, various leveled gathering of even data like Tree widget. Don’t get confused about the TreeTable component with features similar to DataGrid Rows and Columns grouping. Some of the SpreadSheet JS widgets may have various hierarchical data gathering widgets but TreeTable is a modern and complex solution as it bunches an entire array of information.

Here we will see the details of 7 best TreeGrid libraries to use in 2021. But before digging into TreeTable libraries let us see what is TreeGrid?

What Is TreeGrid?

It is a method of arranging table data as a rundown of hierarchical tables. TreeGrid enables developers to make tree-like lists where entire tables are used as “branches”. Let us see the features of TreeGrid. 

Features Of TreeGrid-

1. End-to-end Sorting- 

Table things can be arranged with a single snap on the header of a segment. You can use the sort work for explicit sorting conduct.

2. Editable-

TreeTable has a full scope of grid manipulation. You can modify its component by composing the new value in the data field or choosing among drop-down list that can be provided with checkboxes for better convenience.

3. Selection Mode-

Due to TreeGrid, you can choose data in one of the accessible modes: cell, line,segment, multi section, multi-cell, multi-line, square or zone determination mode.

4. Data Export-

This Javascript TreeTable component allows trading data to PNG, PDF and Excel documents for extra preparation. You can also characterize the appearance of subsequent table by including various export options. 

5. Clip-board-

Clipboard support lets you to reorder things inside the TreeTable component and paste data to other components. This element works in modes like- ‘choice’, ‘square’ and rehash.

6. Filtering- 

TreeTable supports customer side filtering. You can also use built-in or custom filters. According to the data,you can use one of the channels for required section: date filter, number filter, rich select filter, multi combo filter, etc.

Top 7 Treegrid Libraries And Widgets-

1. jQuery TreeTable-

It is a module for the jQuery Javascript library. This shows the tree as an HTML table. Widgets lets you to create a couple of segments to show some data other than tree where tree depth does not have any limit. jQuery JS library is light and quick that rearranges the web development process. It includes simple to use APIs that different programs support. Some of its great features are- Sorting, Filtering, Paging, Data export, row editing and validation, row details, columns resizing, column hierarchy,  Cells formatting, custom cells rendering, keyboard navigation etc.

2. Webix TreeTable Widget-

It is a most professional and functional widget based on Webix DataGrid widget and having the highest performance web control. Some of the great features of Webix TreeTable are, clipboard support, advanced data filters, embedded chart lines(SparkLines), rowspan, colspan and grid grouping. This widget improves ability to change the width of all fields, create vertical headers and throughout elaboration of drag-n-drop individually for rows and columns. 

3. Treegrid-

It is a DHTML component which allows you to display and edit data in grid, table, grid tree, tree view or histogram on an HTML page. It is a rapid AJAX grid with lots of advanced features like advanced formulas and cell calculations. TreeGrid component allows you to load data in XML & JSON formats. This widget is available under the basic, standard, personal and Grand licenses.

Some of the great features of Treegrid are- Creating gantt charts, pivot tables, update and display custom Javascript objects and external objects like Adobe Flash, Microsoft silverlight, different editing masks, bulk cell changes, calender component, exporting to MS excel or other spreadsheets which handle XLSX, XLS, CSV or HTML table files, localization to any languages etc.

4. Sencha TreeGrid Widget-

It has Javascript structure which gives different instant UI parts to create high-load, cross-stage web apps. Important component of this javascript Treegrid library is its great TreeGrid widget. Some of the great features of Sencha TreeGrid widgets are- keyboard navigation, numerous headers, sorting, bifurcating, preloading hubs with single AJAX demand, rearranging/resizing header, custom symbols and so on. 

5. Syncfusion TreeGrid Widget-

It provides 1600+ components and a framework for mobile, web and desktop development. With various customization choices, you can deliver ideal client experience while saving money and time. It is an element rich segment to show data in a plain arrangement. Its broad scope of functionalities includes, editing, data binding, excel-like filtering, custom sorting, row aggregation, selection, excel support, CSV and PDF formats.

6. DHTMLX TreeGrid Component​-

It is an extension of the dhtmlxGrid component which complements the functionality of powerful data grid with competent XML parsing, extensible strings, pagination support and elegant rendering. Because of based on AJAX, Treegrid javascript component with dynamic loading can display unlimited rows and processing huge data on the fly. Also, it provides end-users with convenient built-in editing, advanced row and column dragging, split mode, posts sorting and coloring, and some mathematical functions. DHTMLX TreeGrid can be easily styled by using CSS and built-in skins. 

7. Ignite UI Tree Grid-

igTreeGrid library provides hierarchical data by combining principles of tabular and tree data into a single control. It inherits the igGrid control and hence enjoys lots of features and functionality like igGrid. Also some features contrast in function and implementation to best suit the needs of hierarchical data.

For adaptability and flexibility, the treegrid has expansion indicator, which can be delivered inline in main data section or  in the independent segment. Expansion indicator can be modified with an alternate look and feel to accomplish custom visualizations.


 Article keywords:
javascript, libraries, widgets, technology


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