Use Thread Gauges for Precise Measurement

  Xu Frank    May 24, 2016    1460


For inspection of the pitch of thread on a screw or a tapped hole, thread gauges are used. Thread gauge reduces the need to measure and calculate the thread pitch of the screw or any other threaded item. The screw gauges are used as fastener in machine screws and wood screws details.

To measure the screw, thread gauges of fine quality are used. Following are the factors to consider for normal thread gauges:

Material used in gauging components

The alignment of gauge with its components

The gauge should be lubricated while and after gauging

The thread cut components should be clean prior to gauging

Proper handle of the thread gauge is important and avoid forcing the gauge in the component.

Good thread gauges ensure that the nut and bolt are perfect to use. You can use metric thread gauges, which have two types to check the thread – Ring gauges for external thread and Plug gauges for internal thread. The thread angle is 60°. There are many pieces of gauges in stocks, available for next day delivery. Two methods GO ring gauge and NOGO ring gauge that are used to decide the minimum pitch diameter has maintained and maximum pitch diameter not exceeded respectively.

The other type of gauge is ACME thread gauge that has thread angle of 29°. There are three types of ACME threads – General Purpose ACME, Centralizing ACME, and Stub ACME. The difference in gauges is about the place they are used in, for instance, Stub ACME is used for small space and Centralizing ACME is used in deadlocking situation between Male and Female threads.  

For high accuracy and less dependency on operation workers, you can use trapezoidal thread gauge. There are two types, Right Hand and Left Hand trapezoidal threads. The client can order both coated and non-coated gauge.

For mass production, metric taps are used. The other types of taps are ACME thread taps, UN taps. Although ACME taps are used in mass production, they also have the thread angle of 29°. The material used is HSS and HSS-E.

Thread gauges cannot be repaired as they have complex profile and intricate tolerance. The thread gauges that have reached the wear limit should not be used, as the result would be imperfect screws or nut and bolt. Handle thread gauges with care, as the external diameter can be damage over time. To clean the gauge after use is of prime importance.

As a client, you need fast response to the demand of gauges and a good supplier understands this. A short manufacture time and competitive prices are the key point to search online. Read testimonials on the website of the supplier to check out the commitment of the supplier about shortest delivery time. You can choose the size and tolerance of the thread gauge. The supplier in this business for few years has the capability to provide the smallest stock requirement may it be special custom gauge or single piece order. To be sure, of quality, calibration certificate with the product provides assurance of 100% genuine gauge.

Gaugestools a website name of the industry that offers custom made solutions to the clients looking for a precise measuring tool. A gauging unit, thread gauges make measuring simpler and easier. Find the right tool for good utility from online manufactures. 

 Article keywords:
Thread gauges,Thread ring gauges


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