Vue Vs Angular- A 2021 Comparison

  Solace  Infotech    June 17, 2021    400


In the past decade, frontend frameworks have dramatically evolved and some of them are game changers. These frameworks not just create cross-platform apps easily but are better for future development too. But when it comes to choosing popular Javascript frameworks in 2021, Vue and angular stand out. With lots of benefits, you might be confused to choose the best framework for business, so here we will discuss both Javascript frameworks on the basis of various parameters. But before digging to the comparison, let’s see an overview of each Vue and Angular.

What Is Vue?

Vue is an open-source framework that can deal with challenges related to Angular and React. It is popular to build single-page web apps. Vue 3 is the latest version of Vue.js that includes production of standalone reactive objects, template compile warnings with source data, Async error management and so on

Pros of Vue-

  • Easy to learn
  • Low memory consumption
  • It’s app size is minimal and so you can download and use the app faster  
  • Vuejs has a property of clean codes so anyone can use this framework to read and understand the code easily for app development
  • Vue.js provides the choice of server-side rendering. This improves the function speed on the client end.
  • Vue.js helps a simpler and easier integration procedure. This is the reason designers favor it for both making single-page applications all along and integrating high-end elements into the current one.

What Is Angular?

Angular is an open source framework used to develop dynamic apps and websites. It comes under MEAN stack category and gets the support of an extensive code editors. Angular 12 is the latest version of angular that launched great features to be used in the development like support for Typescript 4.2, CLI workflow enhancements, dynamic import for lazy routes and differential loading.

Know the amazing new features of Angular 12 at- What’s New In Angular 12?

Pros Of Angular-

  • You get a wide linking for single page app development. 
  • Offers great features of server-side rendering to improve client side page speed
  • It produces a more SEO-friendly JavaScript framework.
  • MVC model helps in separation of concerns and so it offers faster and cleaner development.

Vue Vs Angular-

1. Learning Curve-


Vue is made with a combination of React and Angular. So, developers can easily bring Angular or React-based mobility solutions on the Vue.js platform.


If you want to create an Angular app, you should know the concepts such as MVC and Typescript. But it is not same with Vue. Vue provides higher customization and in-built templates that make it simple than angular.

2. Architecture-


Architecture is a basic element that impacts the decision of selecting the right web app framework. Vue focuses on ViewModel and displays limited information.


Angular executes MVC(Model-View-Controller) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) to develop dynamic web apps and websites. 

So in terms of architecture, Angular wins the race. 

3. Performance-

Know more at-

 Article keywords:
angular, vue, web apps, software


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