Ways to Make your Immune System Stronger

  geetika gera    January 23, 2013    1184


We live in a world surrounded by micro-organisms. Some of these are beneficial to us, while others are harmful. Many micro-organisms, like bacteria and viruses, are known to cause diseases in humans and animals. Some of the diseases are quite common and cause only minor discomfort; while in other cases they can be fatal and cause death on a large scale. The advancements in modern medicine has reduced the outbreak of disease in violent proportions, but humans still get sick all the time, which causes extreme discomfort. Even though we are surrounded by micro-organisms, the reason why we are not sick all the time is our immune system. The immune system is the name given to the entire processes in an organism’s body which prevent the multiplication of harmful micro-organisms in the body. People get sick when their immune system is not strong enough to repulse the pathogens. Some of the ways in which the immune system can be strengthened are mentioned below. • By exercising – It has been noticed that by exercising regularly, there is a marked improvement in the functioning of the immune system. The body is able to ward off more infections, if it has been having regular exercise, because the body then produces a higher level of white blood cells that kill pathogens in our body. • • Eating a balanced diet – Healthy eating habits show a marked improvement in the body’s ability to fight against infections. When a person is not eating healthy food, then he is more likely to fall ill, as his body does not have the strength to fight against the infections. • • Drink Water – Water is one of the best cleaning agents present on this planet. Drinking a lot of water helps in flushing out toxins from the body. It also helps the immune system to function properly. It carries oxygen to various parts of the body. Generally people tend to get sick, as they do not drink adequate amounts of water. • • Sleep well – Whenever you sleep, your body is re-energized. This helps in the production of more antibodies, which are instrumental in killing the pathogens in the body. This is the reason why sick people are advised bed rest, as the sleep that they get helps in quicker recuperation. Sleep deprivation will make you much more susceptible to sickness. It is advised to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. • • Get sunshine – One very important nutrient in the functioning of the immune system is Vitamin D-3. This nutrient is present in large amounts in sunshine. Pathogens also prefer dark, damp areas and thus, sunlight acts as a very good disinfector. The sunshine kills most of the pathogens present in our bodies. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. A person with weak immune system is more likely to fall sick, than someone who is healthy and strong. It is better to strengthen our immune system by following these simple steps, rather than falling sick and going through a lot of discomfort. With pathogens all around, it is vital that we pay attention to our health, before it is too late. If you are looking for the best Exercise Equipments India or the best Exercise Machines India then look for Rock Fitness Solutions
 Article keywords:
Exercise Equipments India , Exercise Machines India


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