What Are The Major Sources Of Occupational Respiratory Disease?

  Janice  Ferdinand    February 28, 2022    384


Workplace respiratory diseases are a major concern for employers and workers alike. Every year, millions of workers are affected by respiratory illnesses caused or aggravated by their jobs. There are many sources of occupational respiratory disease and it is important for employers and employees alike to be aware of these and the dangers they pose to their health. Professionals who conduct WHS consultations recommend that employers do regular lung function testing on their employees in order to ensure that no one is suffering from such respiratory diseases.


It is important for employers to understand the major sources of occupational respiratory disease so that they can take appropriate steps to protect their workers. The inhalation of dusts, gases, and fumes is the number one cause of respiratory illness in the workplace. These substances can cause a variety of health problems, including:

  • Asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumoconiosis (a type of lung disease caused by inhaling dust).
  • Silicosis (a type of lung disease caused by breathing in sand or other forms of crystalline silica).


Common causes of respiratory diseases in the workplace

Respiratory diseases can be caused by a number of factors, including exposure to:

  • Dusts: Fine particles of dust can cause respiratory problems if they are inhaled. Common sources of dust in the workplace include construction and mining sites, metalworking, and woodworking.
  • Gases: Many gases can irritate the lungs and cause respiratory diseases. Some common examples include chlorine gas, ammonia gas, and sulphur dioxide gas.
  • Fumes: Fumes are tiny droplets of a liquid that are released when a solid is heated up. They can contain harmful chemicals that can damage the lungs. Examples of workplaces where fumes are commonly found include chemical plants, printing works, and bakeries.
  • Biological agents: Microbes such as viruses and bacteria can cause respiratory illnesses if they are inhaled. Biological agents can be found in many workplaces, including hospitals, laboratories, and animal farms.
  • Asbestos particles: Inhalation of asbestos particles can cause a serious and deadly illness called mesothelioma. Asbestos was once commonly used in construction, but has since been banned. It is still found in many older buildings.
  • Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can be deadly if inhaled. It is produced when any fuel burns incompletely, such as in cars, trucks, stoves, or generators.
  • Ozone: Ozone is a harmful gas that is formed when pollutants react with sunlight. It can cause breathing difficulties.
  • Lead: Lead is a toxic metal that was once commonly used in paint, gasoline, and plumbing. Inhalation of lead can cause serious health problems, including brain damage.
  • Pesticides: Pesticides are chemicals that are used to kill pests such as insects or rodents. They can be harmful if inhaled or ingested.


The most common sources of respiratory disease in the workplace are air pollution, asbestos, and silica

The most common sources of such diseases in the workplace are:

  • Air pollution: This can include gases, fumes, and smoke. Air pollution can come from many sources, including factories, vehicle exhausts, and welding.
  • Asbestos particles: Inhalation of asbestos particles can cause a serious and deadly illness called mesothelioma.
  • Silica dust: Silica is a common mineral that is found in many rocks and soils. It can be ground into a powder to use in products like sandpaper and ceramics. Breathing in silica dust can cause lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses.


Employers can help prevent these diseases by making sure workers have the right safety equipment, such as respirators, and by providing education on how to avoid exposure to these hazards. It is equally important to carry out regular respirator fit tests for those using masks and respirators, in order to ensure that they are adequately protected.


It is important to be aware of the risks associated with these sources and take steps to protect yourself from them

The risks to health from airborne pollutants such as these is very high and therefore it is important that you are aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself.


Employers can take a number of steps to help prevent respiratory diseases in the workplace. Some of these steps include:

  • Providing workers with appropriate safety equipment, such as masks and respirators.
  • Making sure that all machines and tools are properly maintained.
  • Restricting access to hazardous areas.
  • Promoting good hygiene practices among workers.
  • Promoting a healthy work environment by reducing the exposure to airborne pollutants.
  • Educating workers about good hygiene practices Airborne pollutants can cause serious health problems if they are not protected.


When employees need to wear masks or respirators, it is mandatory that regular respirator fit testing be carried out in order to ensure that the masks and respirators fit properly. If the masks or respirators do not fit properly, they will not be effective in protecting the employees from respiratory hazards.


Employers can also reduce the risk of respiratory disease by providing workers with adequate training on how to use safety equipment correctly, and by ensuring that all machines and tools are properly maintained. It is important to restrict access to hazardous areas, and to promote good hygiene practices among workers. By creating a healthy work environment, employers can help to reduce the exposure to airborne pollutants and improve worker health. Workers should also be educated about good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands regularly and avoiding contact with respiratory allergens.


By taking these steps, employers can help to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases among their workforce. Workers should also take precautions to protect themselves, such as wearing appropriate safety equipment and following good hygiene practices. By working together, both employers and employees can help to keep workers safe and healthy.

 Article keywords:
whs consultation, Lung function testing, respirator fit test


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