Which Cell Phone Provider Should I Choose?

  Peter Bennet    January 4, 2012    1285


There are so many cell phone providers on the market these days. How can I tell which one to choose? Before committing yourself to one particular cell phone provider it is important to ask yourself a few questions. What do I want to use my cell phone for? Do I want to get into a plan or do I want to just use pay as you go?

If you are planning to do a lot of texting and really don't want to use your phone as a phone much, there is really no need to tie yourself into a cell phone plan. Pay as you go is the ideal option for this type of user. Most cell phone providers offer excellent unlimited texting plans for roughly $15 per month on pay as you go. If you do a lot of talking on your phone, local or long distance, you might want to consider getting yourself a cell phone plan. Most cell phone providers charge around 25 to 35 cents per minutes for local calls and a lot more for long distance calls. It makes much more sense to have a cell phone plan because then you can customize your calling plan to your needs.

It is very important to analyze how much you intend to talk or text with your phone and whether you want to surf the internet. It can be very costly if you do not get yourself the right plan for your needs.

Before committing to one cell phone provider, you want to research all your options. Some providers offer free deals to entice you into signing up for a plan with them but you must be careful because you can get yourself tied up in a plan that is not going to suit your needs and may be too expensive for you. Some providers offer you free or discounts on phones as a bonus for signing up for their plans. Again, it is important to do some research and see if this is really the most economical way for you to go.

One of the other things you want to consider before signing up for any cell phone provider is to find out where their service coverage is. If you do a lot of traveling and go to different cities, you want to make sure that your cell phone is going to work in those areas. You also want to look into what the different cell phone companies charge for roaming. Cell phone providers charge customers a roaming fee when they are not in their local calling area and sometimes these roaming fees are astronomical.

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