Why buy ceiling fans?

       January 1, 0000    1142


A ceiling fan is placed at the room ceiling. The main use of the ceiling fan is to create the cooling effect by creating the breeze within the room. It has the property to reduce the heat from the room; it reduces the load of head from the various equipment. Ceiling fan makes the room very comfortable for the person sitting inside. The control of the ceiling fan usually includes the control on the fan blades, lights and directional control. Ceiling fan push the air from the ceiling of the room towards down. This process creates the chilling effect in the room. There are mainly two kinds of ceiling fans used for industrial and household purpose.

Use of ceiling fans

The speed of rotation in case of industrial ceiling fans is much higher then the household ceiling fans. The blades of industrial ceiling fan are much sharper then the household ceiling fans. The industrial fans are powerful because they are placed at a much higher place then the household ceiling fans. The ceiling fans in industries are usually controlled by the speed control mounted on the wall. In household the main purpose of the ceiling fan is to give the cooling effect to the person inside the room.

Ceiling fans are inexpensive as compared to air conditions, they can be easily operated and their installation is also easy. The energy being used by ceiling fans is very less as compared to air conditioners. During hot weather ceiling fans can be used in combination with the air conditioner. It is a good combination of modern and traditional technology. Ceiling fan pushes the air downwards and allow the air at the edges of the ceiling fan to mix and travel outwards. The use of ceiling fan will lower down the temperature of the room by four degrees. Energy can be saved if the ceiling fan is used along with air conditioner, this can be done by setting the thermostat at a higher then normal. During the summer days the ceiling fan will make you feel good. Ceiling fan is very useful in all the season of the year.

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