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Abdominal exercises

While watching television the viewer is provided with wholesome entertainment. He is in a very relaxed mood. It would definitely be very advantageous if he performs some exercises so that the time would be doubly useful.

Different exercises for abdomen

The three most useful abdominal muscles are listed below. The Bicycle maneuver invo...

Sit ups

Sits ups are a basic form of strength training exercise. It the most common and prominent exercises for the abdominal muscles. The main objective of this exercise is to work out the abdominal muscles to the maximum extent. There are many people who do as many sit ups each day in an attempt to gain a six pack. However in order to gain the maximum be...

Leg exercises

While watching television the viewer is in a very relaxed mood and is absolutely entertained by the scenes. He can improve the utility of the time spent in watching television by performing some leg exercises. By this method, he can achieve dual gains of entertainment and body fitness simultaneously.

Exercises for Bad Knees, Lovely Legs

Hamstring exercises

Hamstring actually refers to one of the tendons that form the border of the space behind the knee from the human anatomical point of view. According to the latest anatomical contexts they are usually refer to the tendons of the semi tendinsus. In the humans the hamstrings occupy the posterior part of the body of the femur. They appearance of the ha...

Elliptical Trainer Workout

An elliptical trainer is a part of stationary exercise equipment used to stimulate walking or running. Its user stands on the pedals of a machine and they move in independent orbits. Elliptical trainers are a combination of rowing, cross country skiing, and bicycling. A good quality elliptical trainer is very solid, quiet, and usually comes with a ...


Crunches are the best way to reduce fat from abdomen. This type of exercise can be done at home while watching the favourite opera and enjoying the workout. One may not know this but many people do not use good form when doing an abdomen crunch. Not only can this cause back problems, it will also make the abdomen workout less effective. Learn to do...

Golf Vacations: What you need to know

Vacation time is here! Pack up your clothes. Pack up your shoes.  Pack up your toothbrush, toothpaste, and some sunscreen. And, of course, don’t forget to pack the most important thing of all: your golf bag. Welcome to Golf Vacation 101. Let’s take a look at some things to consider when planning the golf vacation of your dreams.

History of Golf: Where did it Originate?

You’re sitting in another boring college history class. As you open your mouth up wide to yawn, the instructor finishes telling the class what will be discussed today:
The history of golf.
Suddenly, you sit straight up in your chair at perfect attention. Your eyes are wide open, and your pen is poised over your p...

Golf Club Buying Guide - The Essentials

The wind is blowing gently, the sun is shining and it’s a perfect day for golf. As you check out the contents of your golf bag, you realize that you could sure use a new golf club. If you are fairly new to the game, or just new to actually going out and purchasing a club on your own, read through our quick golf club buying guide. It is sure to s...

Golf Fitness: Pregame Stretches

Face it…You may be the greatest golfer of all of your friends. You may be able to make shots that seem almost impossible, or be able to putt balls into just about any hole. But one day recently, when you leaned over to pick up a golf ball, your back cracked and pulled out.  What are you supposed to do for your golf game now?

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