Tony knew he and his girlfriend, Ruby, would tie the knot--someday. They'd been together on and off since college, spending a small fortune on airfare and long-distance calls whenever Ruby returned to her native Barbados. So when her visa expired and they faced another separation, he thought, Why not go all the way? Ruby's need for a green card ...
Kissing Tips - for Guys
There comes a moment in our life when all of us have to deal with the first date, first kiss, first girlfriend. This is something unavoidable and someday will happen. But for guys, and not only, this can be very stressful and annoying because they don't know how to handle the situation. If you have your first date with a girl that you really lik...
Are You an Adult Indigo?
The Indigo Children started appearing on earth over 30 years ago, which means that many of them are now adults. If you read my article on Indigo Children and found that many of those characteristics applied to you in your childhood, you're probably wondering if you may in fact be an adult indigo.
Listed below are some characteristics of ...
Jewelry: The most prized possession of a woman
Jewelry makes women look more beautiful. Jewelry is very intimate. It touches a person with constancy, patience and endurance. It has the power to melt a tough heart. In fact jewelry is the most prized possession of women. When they wear it, they never like to take it off!
There are women who wear lot of jewelry but there are also women ...
A Good Yarn -Book Review
A Good Yarn is women's fiction. I picked up the book, because I saw the illustration of a basket full of yarn that suggested warmth or my mother, who used to be a knitter. I never could knit well, although I learned two stitches, knit and purl, and managed to come up with a few baby items for my kids. Reading this book made me yearn for knitting...
Credit card application for starters
“Plastic money” is a term dubbed by the people of the world in reference to the wondrous item called the “credit card.” And at the rate the economy is going and with the pace of life that we have right now we want everything done the express way. That’s why a lot of businessmen, young professionals, big b...
Business credit card
The worth of a business credit card Where to Get Debt Consolidation Help
Among the so
many varieties of credit cards, one of the most underestimated is the value of a
business credit card. Many people do not choose to apply for a business credit
card because aside from having a definite target market— the business owners or
business executives—it ...
Where To Get Debt Consolidation Help
Is there help for debt consolidation? Sure, there is; and the help is available for free in some areas. If you suffer bad credit, then you can get help by reviewing the free do-it-yourself kits at the local libraries. Debtors can go to the public library and find help books that wil...