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The good thing about the twentieth century is the vast advancement in technology specifically with the use of computers. At this time and age, people don't have to worry about almost anything.

One can shop, do business, learn and enjoy the world, communicate with family and friends even at the opposite side of the globe, and make new acquain...

Add nutrients

 Significance of nutrients for the growth of lawn:

As far as the concern of the growth of a beautiful green and thick lawn goes nutrition or feeding is always an integral part. The rest that matters all is the hows, whats, and whens about the nutrition of the lawns. Here in this part of article we are going to focus on the whens of the ...

Use Fertilizers

Plants utilize the nutrients in the soil through their roots and the balance in the soil diminishes. So we use fertilizers to revive the soil. Dearth of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus causes sluggish growth and lawn thinning. Excess results in increased leaves and roots and vulnerability to natural stresses. Hence an optimum quantum is desirabl...

Sprinkle grass seed

The first step is to remove the thatch, weeds, stones, sticks from the lawn and provide the grass seed space to shoot up. Make the soil loose in uncovered parts upto a depth of 1” with a cultivator. On these spots apply a grass fertilizer or some compost. If these parts are a lot compacted, loosen the soil upto 6”. It is required to add peat moss t...

Selecting high quality seeds

Seeding the lawn can have great rewards if done properly. The first thing to do is to select a grass type that is suited to grow in that area. Measure the surface area of the lawn to determine the amount of seed required. The information printed on the seed packs will tell how much seed is needed per square foot. Take note of this information while...

Selecting grass seed

One of the most important decisions concerning the lawn is the type of grass seed to spread. There are some simple things to keep in mind when selecting a grass seed. Anyone with a lawn knows that it can be choosy from time to time. Planting too late or too early and using the wrong fertilizer, spreading the wrong type of grass seed can all create ...


Suppose the lawn has bare areas, a brown patch or is getting thin it is time to reseed. It is the most easy and economical way to renovate the lawn. Reseeding can be done at any time during the year. However, it should be avoided before winter months, as there is not the required time for the grass to take hold. Ideally, the time is late in summer ...

Renovating lawn in time

Renovation of lawn involves killing existing turf and replacing it with new grass without tilling or changing the grade that is normally done during the organizing a new lawn. The reason to renovate lawn when disease or insects frequently attack the species or variety has caused the lawn to thin out, the landscape has become increasingly shady over...

Proper use of fertilizers

Using lawn fertilizer is essential if someone wants to create the kind of a healthy, green lawn that is the envy for the neighborhood. In order to develop turf that is more competitive against disease, insects and weeds, just incorporate a balance of especially formulated nutrients and slow-release lawn fertilizers into the lawn maintenance program...

Lawn clipping management

Lawn clippings are mainly grass leaves along with some stems that are cut by the lawn mower. Earlier clippings were bagged using rotary mowers. It was thought that they might aid thatch development. But this assumption is now disproved.

The Present

In summer period, 20-30% of residential wastes are made up of grass clippings. These en...

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