An Electric Under Blanket provides a constant and gentle heat from the shoulders to feet. The stiff and painful joints, affected by arthritis, are relieved. Heat is useful to decrease pain, ease muscle spasm, increase stretching capability of muscles and enhance blood circulation at the joint. The application of heat expands the blood vessels and r...
For the arthritis sufferer, swimming is the ideal form of exercise.
Swimming is an aerobic exercise that also improves physical endurance. To put it
succinctly, swimming allows a full range of motions in joints that are primarily
affected in arthritis. Swimming also confers other allied benefits like better
cardiovascular strength, and supe...
The word “Reiki” is composed of two Japanese words. Rei means Universal spirit and Ki means Life energy. The Japanese physician Mikao Usui revived the process of using the universal life energy for human benefit. It is claimed that it is 2500 years old. Hawayo Tokata initiated it to the West in the 1930s. It is believed that all the universal life ...
Arthritis symptoms are the aching and the creaking of the bones. Perhaps it is thought to be an old person’s disease. On the contrary, it is truly a condition that affects all the ages. Right from the toddlers to the teenagers and the old men can get affected with the arthritis. It often helps to have the condition diagnosed, but the label can be d...
Arthritis is a chronic disease that causes severe pain in joints and muscles. It results in stiffness in the joints and other common factors are like swelling in the joints, difficulty in the movement of the joints especially during morning atleast for one hour, constant or recurring pain in the joints, redness in the joint area, difficulty in usin...
In the language of chemistry steroids can be defined as a terpenoid lipid that can be characterized by the skeleton of four fused rings forming the structure. There are different kinds of steroids and each one of them varies in their functional groups attached to those rings. Distinctively hundreds of steroids are also traced and classified in plan...
Arthritis refers to health disorder, which affects the musculoskeletal system of the body. The problem is mainly associated with the joints in the bones. Arthritis leads to problems such as pain, stiffness, and inflammation and also causes damage to the joints. There are several ways with help of which arthritis can be cured. However, natural thera...
Arthritis, in its virulent form, can be an incapacitating disease. Even in its mild and moderate forms, arthritis can be physically devastating. Whatever its stage, arthritis can be effectively tackled with massage therapy. The best aspect of massage therapy is that an arthritis sufferer can use basic massage techniques on himself or herself. Massa...
Arthritis is bone disorder. The disease affects the joints in the bones. Arthritis symptoms are visible in form of pain and inflammation in the joints. Normally individuals between the ages of 40 to 60 are more prone to this problem. However, arthritis can aslo arise in youths and children. There are few typical reasons, which lead to arthritis. Th...
The interesting truth is that what an arthritis sufferer does to improve heart health also has a positive impact on alleviating arthritis. Many of the exercise regimens and food requirements that deliver a healthier heart profile invariably assuage arthritis problems. An arthritis sufferer is always advised to exercise regularly and consume certain...