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What’s New In Kubernetes 1.21?

Thinking to opt kubernetes for your next project? If yes, know the amazing new features in Kubernetes 1.21 at-

10 Best Headless Content Management System (CMS) In 2021

Choosing right headless CMS to your business requirements can easily deliver an iconic digital experience to your customers. Know the 10 best headless

Alibaba Cloud Vs. AWS- Which Is Right For Your Business?

Are thinking to adopt cloud service for your business, but confused o choose the best one? Let's have a look at the comparison Alibaba cloud vs AWS at

What’s New In Angular 11?

If you are wondering what’s new in Angular 11, then let’s have a look at new features of Android 11.

What’s New In PHP 8.0?

A good news for all PHP developers. PHP came with a new version 8.0 with its amazing features. Know the upgraded features of PHP 8.0 at-

10 Best Practices For API Security That You Must Know

If you are using APIs, then you must know these best practices to secure your API. have a look at-

Best Area to Stay in Sri Lanka

Located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of the Bay of Bengal, Sri Lanka is called the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” for its shape and location.

Most Famous Historical Places in Sri Lanka That You Need to Visit

Sri Lanka, located in the Indian Ocean, famously known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” is proud to have inherited a history dated back to the fifth century AD.

How Safe Is Sri Lanka for Tourists 2021?

With Covid-19, nobody is safe until most are safe. The world is still facing one of the most difficult times ever faced in centuries and starting to accept the fact that the new norm is to learn to live with Covid-19.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has taken the world of business by storm.

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