Weeding is an inherent process that is related with lawn maintenance and growing. From the concern of lawns a weed is any plant that does not blend well with the grass. Its appearance is somewhat like a sore thumb in a green carpet of lawns. Specifically a newly grown lawn can have many weeds unless the process of soil sterilization was not done pr...
A hedge trimmer is an instrument or a mechanical device that runs on power and is used for the cutting or pruning of garden hedges. They are being categorized on the list of powered garden tools. Earlier times this cutting was done with the help of a knife or with pruning shears. These days with the advance of technology the hedge trimmers are bein...
Even though insects are one of the most populous forms of animal life on earth, fortunately there are only a small number of insects that may at times become a potential problem in turf grass. Generally turf grass insects can be somewhat cyclical and dependent on a number of factors that primarily includes weather, suitable food sources, desirable ...
There are six types of moles in USA. Some of them are the Eastern Mole, Hairy-tailed Mole, and Star-nosed Mole. The first one is prevalent in Ohio. Moles are 6-8 inches long and three to six ounces in weight. Each female gives birth to two to six moles in a year. These can be expected in April or May. Their only use is that they consume insects. Ev...
A centipede is a yellowish gray insect with several pairs of legs. It moves with speed and eats other insects like spiders and cockroaches. Although their poison is harmless for humans they look eerie and bite like a bee. They can be commonly detected in mulch, rocks and wood in the lawn. Further they spread into steps, flowerbeds and pavements.
The suburban lawn and gardens are the ones that receive the highest percentage of pesticides application per acre than most other lands in the whole of the United States even more than the agricultural lands. These hazardous effects of the usage of these lawn chemicals have shown through different studies. They are also found to slowly drift into t...
It is also called Aeration. It is done by removing a block of soil and making holes in the soil or cutting channels in the soil. Equipment, which has hollow tines or spoons, arranged on a drum or disk is used. It removes blocks of soil 0.25 to 0.75 inches diameter and 2 to 4 inches deep when used on the lawn. Such machines can be rented from lawn/g...
Fountains are decorative items that accent the decorum of the room. They
come in different sizes , shapes and colors. There are fountains that complement
any indoor or outdoor space. The installation of fountains would attract people
and also create an ambiance of peace and tranquility.
Can one imagine a garden without a fountain? The children would love the sight of the water springing from the fountain in sprays. Not only the childern but the adults also enjoy the renewal and refreshing power the sight of water has .The sight of water has a cooling effect on any one and refreshes both the eyes and soul of an depressed person. In...
The sight of water has a cooling effect on any one and refreshes both the eyes and soul of a depressed person. Today the people have realised the effect of the sight and sound of water has a natural stress relieving and cooling effect. Hence , there are many types of fountains avaible in the market. The fountains are not only found in public garden...