Most people do not to think about purchasing pet health insurance for the family cat simply because it seems as if cats never get sick. The veterinary concern most cat owners worry about is what will happen if their family cat gets run over by a passing car. Cat owners who keep their cats in the house don't even worry about that. The truth is that ...
Sleep is an important part of anyone’s routine, if one is not able to get proper sleep than he will feel drowsy throughout the day. If the problem of sleeplessness continued then it will cause many more health disasters. Sleep is important for mental, emotional functioning and safety, it has been found out that people with more sleep problems are m...
Exercise is necessary in daily routine and has various good effects and no bad effects on the body and mind. It releases tension and makes a person more fit to do various other daily activities. It is a kind of a way out of the daily routine and stress and tensions. There are various kinds of exercises that one can take up according to their liking...
Scientific studies and researches have concluded that walking is probably the best exercise on land. Walking regularly can be helpful in building long term health and over all well being. Medical studies have claimed that walking for around 30 minutes in a day can effectively reduce the chances of acquiring cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes ...
Exercise makes the body stronger, fitter and more flexible. It protects the heart and bones, keeps the weight at an ideal level, helps reduce stress and makes feel good. It also reduces the risk of a variety of illnesses including diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Experts recommend that everybody exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days of the...
In the busy life the human being hardly gets time for entertainment. Watching television is a mode of entertainment. Due to busy schedule people don’t get time for exercising also which is necessary for good health. Skipping is a good exercise to remain healthy. Regular skipping will burn the calories and the person will not put on extra weight and...
Infertility is a condition that occurs not only in females but also in males. It is important to note that infertility is not a physical condition, and most symptoms reflect a far greater problem that resides inside a male body. The pretesticular causes of male fertility include many problems. They are endocrine problems such as diabetes mellitus a...
Infertility is inability to naturally conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term. There are a lot of reasons for a couple to not be able to conceive, with or without medical assistance. A female is said to be infertile when she is not able to conceive after one year of attempting to become pregnant. Some women are unproductive because their...
Infertility is a serious problem that has affected many of the marriages. The propagation of any society depends on the birth rate. Thus it is very important to understand the nuances of giving birth, its control, and factors affecting it. Ovulation is the process of releasing eggs in the female reproductive system. Among the several eggs released ...
Though the modern lifestyle has its own share of comforts and luxuries, it is taking its toll on the health of the people. One of the most disastrous effects of the busy urban life is stress. Due to tremendous work pressure and growing concerns, the stress levels faced by individuals are incredibly high. These rising stress levels are adversely aff...