Wedding insurance is designed to minimize the amount of money you would lose if certain problems occur. The type of coverage varies, so be sure you understand any policy before signing a contract. The most basic event insurance policies cover losses due to cancellation or postponement if , say, the officiant fails to show up or the facility goes...
Shopping For Your Wedding Ring
Getting the most for your money
When you pick your diamond, you'll probably have to choose between size and quality. If you want a big stone, you can save by downgrading the quality of color and even clarity - barring any obvious visible flaws - but don't stint on the cut, which releases the most brilliance from the gem. Pron...
Wedding-Day Grooming for the Groom
Conventional wisdom holds that all eyes will be on the bride, and for the most part, they will be. But the groom will certainly have his share of the spotlight and should look his best.
Arrange to have a haircut two weeks before the wedding to give the cut time to f...
Wedding Registry Basics
Wedding gifts are intended to be substantial and long-lasting. By putting items on a gift registry, you help narrow the field of choices for your guests. Best of all, registering for gifts means that you will receive items that you really want and, in some cases, really need.
Paying For Your Wedding
It doesn't quite seem fair: Planning the most romantic event of your life begins with the least romantic detail - establishing the budget. Before you sample a single hors d'oeuvre, figure out just how much you can spend. Traditionally, the bride's family should almost all of the financial responsibility, but today the groom's family and the coup...
Astringents or toners are intended to enter pores, refreshing and cooling the skin while clearing away excess oil, impurities and dead skin cells that were not removed with cleanser. For attractive skin, first determine what type of skin one has and to properly wash and moisturize the faces accordingly. Another very important step to maintain is cl...