In home lawns, crabgrass is a primary problem. It is tenacious weed. It can be classified into large crabgrass, smooth crabgrass and southern crabgrass. Crab grass is a warm-season, yearly grass. It doesn’t matter how much crabgrass plants appeared the previous year as they all perish. New grass reappears only from developing seeds. Crabgrass start...
There are several reasons not to cut grass too short. Grass grows from the crown, not the blade tips. This feature makes grass ideal for lawns because they keep on growing despite the regular mowing off of their upper stem, leaf cover and blades. So it important not to damage grass crowns by unplanned scalping with the mower. By keeping grass on th...
Proper winter storage and maintenance means great summer performance of lawn equipments. As the cold weather blows in, encourage proper care of outdoor power equipment during all seasons. Proper maintenance now results in less downtime in the spring and when the equipment is most needed. Furthermore, not only will proper maintenance extend th...
Apt mowing is the basis to have a healthy lawn. Absence of mowing causes a lawn to look like a prairie. The height and frequency of mowing decide how attractive the lawn looks. A high quality is obtained with cylinder mowers with many blades. The blades must be sharpened for good quality. The dew must be brushed before mowing. Rotary and hover mowe...
Lawn renovation describes corrective procedures to restore beauty to an old lawn without removing all of the grass. It can be as simple as over seeding a thin turf area or can include power raking and core ventilation if thatch is greater than 1/2 inch or the soil is compacted. A total renovation would occupy killing the undesirable grasses with a ...
The lawn mower is a mechanical tool or device that exactly shaves the surface of the grass by using rapidly rotating blades. Form years grass used to be cut by workers who walked through fields wielding small, sharp scythes. It was a tiring and slow, manual cutting process and was ineffective as the scythes worked well only when the grass was wet. ...
A hedge trimmer is an instrument or a mechanical device that runs on power and is used for the cutting or pruning of garden hedges. They are being categorized on the list of powered garden tools. Earlier times this cutting was done with the help of a knife or with pruning shears. These days with the advance of technology the hedge trimmers are bein...
Even though insects are one of the most populous forms of animal life on earth, fortunately there are only a small number of insects that may at times become a potential problem in turf grass. Generally turf grass insects can be somewhat cyclical and dependent on a number of factors that primarily includes weather, suitable food sources, desirable ...
A centipede is a yellowish gray insect with several pairs of legs. It moves with speed and eats other insects like spiders and cockroaches. Although their poison is harmless for humans they look eerie and bite like a bee. They can be commonly detected in mulch, rocks and wood in the lawn. Further they spread into steps, flowerbeds and pavements.
Select a handheld edger and place it between the lawn and the roadway. Keep the wheel of the edger on the pavement and the blade on the edge. For bigger lawns use the power-driven edger. In areas, which are difficult to reach, periphery of beds or around trees it is better to use grass shears. Suppose that the grass is very tall to be mowed or the ...