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Yoga for infertility

In case of infertility woman is not capable to naturally conceive the child or a full term pregnancy. Female infertility constitute one third of the infertility cases. Modern times have lot of infertility problems. In many cases woman is able to conceive but is not capable to carry pregnancy. Male infertility also constitute one third of total infe...

Timing Intercourse and Ovulation for Conception

Sexual health has always played a major part in the overall well being of a human being. It is of utmost importance for the purpose of propagation of a clan. Fertility of a human being ensures that the genes of a particular race are conserved on the earth. Infertility is considered as a serious disease that not only affects the physical health but ...

Ovulation Kits

The reproductive system of the human beings is still under lots of speculation. However with the advent of the science and technology the human reproductive system is explored like never before. The female reproductive system is based on the ovum synthesized in the ovaries. These ova become matured eggs to get fertilized with the sperms released fr...

Mental fitness and fertility

A low mental state

It has been a very well accepted fact that there is an interlinking with Mental fitness and fertility.
When the woman is in a very low state of mental fitness there is an effect on her ability to fertilize. The amount of infertility increases. A weak state of mind gives rise to some hormones, that have a negative effect...

Impact of Pollution on Fertility

Infertility is one of the major problems hampering the healthy married lives. It affects the propagation of a clan and poses serious threat on the physical and mental health of the person suffering from it. Sexual reproduction involves the fertilization of the male and the female gamete. Thus it is necessary that both the male and the female gamete...

How to avoid infertility

The couple who are trying for a child should essentially eat healthy food. The diet and fertility are directly linked to each other. The diet of man is major responsible for the quality of sperm his body will produce. A healthy diet routine will increases the chances of conceiving. Following a bad routine of unhealthy diet and intake of alcohol wil...

Help of the Fertility Specialists

Infertility is a serious health issue that has been damaging the prospects of a healthy society. The sexual health of the individual of a society decides upon the overall well being of the components of that society. For the purpose of propagation of a race it is very necessary for the individuals of that race to be fertile. There are several of th...

Fertility calendar

The ovulation act as a key to birth control and conception in women. Fertility calculator is a need of every married woman. A fertility calendar can be in the form of paper charting or online services, it can also be kept in the form of spreadsheet program like an excel sheet. The spreadsheet and paper method have many problems and are outdated. Th...

Fertility and infertility education

The fertility and infertility education include the diagnosis of infertility, choosing the best treatment among the various available, medications to solve the problem of infertility, information about the drugs to avoid infertility. Social issues relating to infertility. Legal and financial aid available relating to infertility, glossaries relatin...

Fertility Wrist Watch Computer

Sexual health of the human being is a major factor affecting the overall health of a person. Fertility is the state of human health when both the male and female has got viable gametes for the purpose of fertilization. Thus anything affecting this state of the human health leads to infertility. There are several factors that can affect the fertilit...

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